Saturday, 27th May 2023

Villa Nigra – Miasino (NO)

Coming to Matter

Barbara Stimoli and Titta C. Raccagni (IT)

Performance and video installation


5 p.m.

2 h

Free entry

La performance avverrà in concomitanza all’inaugurazione della mostra di arte contemporanea Oltre il Giardino, curata da Ilaria Macchi e organizzata da Asilo Bianco; in mostra resterà una video installazione curata dalle artiste Barbara Stimoli e Titta Raccagni.

Miasino – 27.05.2023 – 23.07.2023

Aperta dal giovedì alla domenica – 14:30 – 18:30

free entry


The performance Coming To Matter is one of the evolutions of the Pleasure rocks research, which for years has been exploring forms of re-signification of pleasure in the relationship between human and non-human. It is a space of encounter and intra-action of matter, between human bodies and stones. Entering into a relationship with the stones is an act of care: I do not place but I am placed, I do not choose but I am chosen, I do not move but I am moved, in a continuous reconfiguration of the gesture. The perception of chronological time changes and dilates: a meditative state is generated, a dynamic stillness. The human gradually withdraws, in a process of decentralisation.

concept and direction: ultimabaret artistic duo (Barbara Stimoli and Titta C. Raccagni) | performers: Barbara Stimoli, Camilla Isola | live sound: Antonio Della Marina | lighting design: Barbara Stimoli, Titta C. Raccagni, Enrico Peco
production: Nexus 2022 | co-production: Teatro delle Moire/ Danae Festival | with the support of theworkroom residencies (Fattoria Vittadini/Fondazione Milano), Stazione di Topolò/PostajaTopolove, BASE Milano | in collaboration with Dialoghi Residenze delle arti performative a VillaManin curated by CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Titta C. Raccagni is a documentary maker, filmmaker and director, Barbara Stimoli a dancer, choreographer and performer: the two different backgrounds and multiple languages, eclecticism and experience of activism and political investigation are continuously mixed in their productions. In 2015, during an artistic residency in San Francisco at Djerassi Program – the idea for Pornopoetics, a rewriting of pornography, an investigation of imaginaries related to sexuality, was born. The project takes off thanks to the support of the Associazione Culturale dello Scompiglio, with which they create the first performance Pornopoetica. The same year they make the work Diario blu(E) on the theme of identity, which is presented in the filmic version at, among others, Torino Film Festival 2016, Festival Filmmaker 2016 and Visions du réel 2017 and in the installation version at Pergine Spettacolo Aperto 2017. Since 2018 they are mainly dedicated to Pleasure rocks research collaborating with visual artist Alessia Bernardini. Together they produced two artist publications, a photographic exhibition, a workshop, a video, and a performative installation (work in progress) that they present, as per the nature of the project, in very different cultural spaces and festivals. Since 2022 they have been associate artists of Nexus Factory.