Sunday, 8th October 2023

Atelier Apicoltura Benoit, Via Trento 1 – Ameno (NO)

Making Peace with the Environment

Lama Michel Rinpoche (IT)



6:00 p.m.


Free entry, reservation recommended | 3518081786

We live in an interdependent reality in which every interaction leads to profound transformation. To live at peace with ourselves and our environment, we need to understand the importance of peace, desire it deeply and do what is necessary to achieve it. The environment and our interaction with it play a key role in this journey. Nature, a sacred place par excellence, supports and nurtures us on our path to inner peace. As Lama Gangchen Rinpoche often reminded us, ‘inner peace is the most solid foundation for world peace’. By caring for nature and the environment, we create the essential basis and conditions for peace.

Kunpen Lama Gangchen is a Buddhist center led by Lama Michel Rinpoche. It is home to Kunpen Lama Gangchen, a non-profit religious association associated with the Italian Buddhist Union. Founded in 1999 by Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, it brings together a community of people who share an interest in spirituality and a life in harmony with nature and promotes various projects aimed at revitalizing villages and rural cultures. The Center, in the Tibetan Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist tradition, welcomes all who are interested in regenerating and healing the energies of body and mind and developing their human potential.

Lama Michel Rinpoche was born in Brazil in 1981 and began his journey in Buddhism when, at the age of five, he met T.Y.S Lama Gangchen Tulku Rinpoche (who would later recognize him as his spiritual son). At the age of eight he was recognized as a tulku, meaning the reincarnation of a Tibetan lama. When he was only twelve years old, he decided to pursue traditional monastic training, going to live and study, for twelve years, in a monastery in Southern India and then, for the next ten years, traveling annually to Tashi Lhunpo Monastic University in Tibet to complete his academic training. For a large part of his life, Lama Michel Rinpoche followed Lama Gangchen during his Dharma teaching missions in the West and his pilgrimages to holy places in the East. In addition to the Albagnano Healing Meditation Centre, he is spiritual director of dozens of centers in the NgalSo tradition around the world and in charge of eight foundations. Since 2014, he has offered thousands of hours of teachings on various social media platforms and on the NgalSo YouTube channel. He is frequently invited as a speaker at conferences, university lectures, television and radio programs on the topics of non-formal inner peace education.