
Fondazione CROSS Ente del Terzo Settore, organiser of the CROSS FESTIVAL event, obtained the ISO 20121 “sustainable events” certification in 2020, and renewed it in 2021 and 2022.

The training course is supported and financed by the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, and is part of the AMALAKE project for the positioning of the destination “Lake Maggiore and its valleys” with the aim of qualifying the offer through the development of a network of services that generates the creation of new entrepreneurial initiatives.

The sustainable development policy provides for the evaluation of the economic, social and environmental impacts of the event.

CROSS FESTIVAL has signed the following sustainable development policy commitments, defining the following actions as priorities for the development of the IX edition of the event:


Development of effectiveness and efficiency of the procedures

  • Annual update of the definition of procedures.
  • Regular internal information of new volunteers and collaborators.

Sustainable supplier management

  • Compliance with sustainable principles for the selection of new suppliers.
  • Propose existing suppliers to adopt more sustainable solutions.

Financial Sustainability

  • Transparent economic administration
  • Publication on the website of details of public contributions received

Interaction with territory

  • Development of new relationships.
  • Consolidation of relations with cultural and social associations and local institutions.
  • Prefer local suppliers for products and services.



Development of culture

  • Sharing and stakeholder involvement.
  • ISO20121 information for the public.
  • Offer of cultural/artistic performances with reduced ticket for operators, students and other categories.
  • A pathway of approach to the languages of performing arts and coaching to the vision of performances for the public.

Territory involvement

  • Requalification of new spaces and neighbourhoods.
  • Consolidation of relationships with local suppliers and with local audiences.
  • Sharing actions and good practices.
  • Involvement of the Community and Associations working with categories at risk.
  • Public loyalty and opening up new audience.

Guarantee of integrity

  • Respect for ethical codes and new safety standards.
  • No discrimination between race and sex.
  • Commitment to ensure accessibility to people with disabilities.
  • Respect for the new Privacy Directive GDPR.



Displacement Facilitation

  • Transfer of artists/guests with cumulative services.
  • Activation of the bus service with reduced ticket for students from Milan to Verbania; shuttle service from Arona to Verbania.

Management of installations

  • Predilection of “light” fittings with low environmental impact

Awareness of waste collection

  • Relationship development with Conser VCO collection management company.
  • Raising public awareness, artists and host structures towards proper waste collectio

In specific, for the IX edition, the sustainable development objectives defined in the United Nations Agenda 2030 have been shared with the Directive and activities aimed at spreading the commitment will be implemented.

With regards to the main objectives, the organization is committed to contribute to the achievement of some in particular:

Approaching the languages of live entertainment
Sharing and development of good practices
No Discrimination and Diversity Safeguard
Inclusion of the territorial community in cultural projects

The organization is assessed and certified annually by a third party and makes use of the contribution of the LOCOM consulting firm, for the management of all actions and audits required for the implementation of procedures and the collection of evidence to certify the application and compliance with the ISO20121 standard.

For further information